Outlook 2016 Mac: Turn Off SEND Keyboard Shortcut (to prevent accidentally sending an email)


With Outlook 2016 on Mac, you can sometimes "SEND" an email accidentally.  This is likely because you pressed "Command + Enter" by accident.  This keyboard shortcut (Command+Enter) is oddly built into Outlook 2016 on Mac to quickly send an email.  To fix, we will have to override it at a Mac OS-level to prevent it on an Outlook app-level for the future.

STEPS to disable / turn off the "send" shortcut to prevent you from accidentally sending an email

  1. Go to the "System Preferences" app on Mac 
  2. Keyboard 
  3. "Shortcuts" tab
  4. App Shortcuts (on left side panel)
  5. Click "+" icon
  6. In the popup window, Choose "Microsoft Outlook" in the dropdown
  7. For "Menu title" type "Send"
  8. For Keyboard Shortcut, click all of these buttons one at time keeping them all pressed:  function (fn), control, option, command, and 8 
    • You are welcome to choose another random set of keyboard buttons.  This is simply a random cryptic set of button shortcuts that you are sure you will never accidentally hit.
  9. "Add" should now light up in blue.  Click "Add."
  10. Your "Keyboard Shortcuts" should now look like the screenshot below.
  11. Quit Outlook
  12. Relaunch Outlook.  
    • It now should now never send an email when you accidentally press "Command+Enter."

SCREENSHOT for Step 10 above: Your Mac System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts should now look like this...

