Download Facebook Photo Album to Mac

GOAL:  Download all photos from 1 album in Facebook.  For Google Chrome & Mac specifically.


1.  From Chrome > Open link to Download FB Album mod (chrome extension)

2.  "Add to Chrome"

3.  Go to your Facebook Album of photos to download

4.  Look for Facebook icon in URL bar & Click on it:

5. On pop-up > click blue "Normal" button

Note:  the chrome extension creates a custom webpage full of the photos from your one FB album.  Below, we'll save this webpage and all of its photos to your desktop.

6.  From this newly created webpage, type: Command + S

7.  Save As: Facebook-Album.html.  Format: Webpage, Complete.  Click "Save"

8.  The html & photos from that facebook webpage are now on your desktop in the Facebook-Album_files folder.

9.  Copy photos from the folder created on your desktop to your Mac Pictures folder of interest.